Educator-class starship

Created by Captain Michael Turlogh Kane on Aug 16, 2016 @ 2:14am


The EDUCATOR-class starship was a training vessel used by Starfleet Academy during the years it offered the Advanced Command Training course to Cadets. What made the Educator-class so remarkable was that it only ever existed on a holodeck.

Holodeck or simulated training missions have been a part of the Academy's curriculum for decades, including the famous Kobayashi Maru mission. As part of the new ACT set-up, it was decided to create an entirely virtual experience for Cadets who were on the cusp of graduating from ACT, in order to help familiarise them with basic starship layout and design. The idea was that these Cadets would form the crew of a holographic starship (under the watchful eyes of the instructors) and proceed through a holodeck training scenario that might last several days.

The SS EDUCATOR, NTV-500, was created by software engineers to fit that profile. A small ship with only 15 decks, it packed in every available position that a Cadet could be undergoing training for, including a full Engineering deck, sickbay, science labs, and a complete bridge suite.

Originally, a handbook of ten standardised scenarios were given to instructors to choose from, ranging from assisting other starships in distress, to possible first contact missions, but as time progressed, instructors were given more leeway in choosing the scenario, resulting in some notable class missions.

With the indefinite postponement of the ACT course in 2420, the SS EDUCATOR's computer programme was saved in the Academy's mainframe, where it remains to this day.

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